• RQIA: Work almost completed on the development of the newly established Inspection Support Volunteer (ISV) role ​
  • Care Homes Unit (Noel Irwin and colleagues) and Social Care Collaborative Forum: promoting partnership working between the DoH and social care sector and which has a workstream on Enhancing Care in Care Homes (Sarah Penney, MHL representative on SCCF)​
  • Chief Nursing Officer: Supporting the implementation and evaluation of the Enhanced Clinical Care Framework (ECCF) ​
  • NISCC:  Mapping of the MHL programme to the Level 5 Diploma in Leadership and Management in Health and Social Care (Adults Residential Management) (Northern Ireland)​
  • Public Health Agency (My Life in a Care Home Survey)​
  • IHCP, PCC-NI, Dementia NI, Alzheimer’s Society, Linking Generations NI, FE colleges providing support for programme content and QI initiatives