Cohort 14 (Group 1) were curious about how to improve staff morale for their quality improvement initiative. The group discussed how prolonged Covid-19 restrictions had led to staff feeling tired and stressed in their various roles. Initially the group focused on staff well-being, but during ''Discovery work'' one manager experienced a profound moment of clarity when one resident, describing what is important to her about living in a care setting, chose the word feeling ''safe''.

The group decided the Quality Improvement initiative needed expanding and include residents and family members well-being too. The group ''Co-created'' a Wellbeing Support Evaluation Tool alongside residents, families, and staff, which could be utilised during admissions, care reviews, staff induction, appraisals, team meetings, etc.

The group shared this tool with other care settings leaders at the My Home Life Celebration event.  

Cohort 14 (Group 2) were curious about improving the handover experience within care settings as part of their quality improvement initiative. They found by sharing their experiences with each other they had variations of the same process.

This discussion was a catalyst of change for leaders; they discovered My Home Life tools and resources invited in experiences that included feelings and conversations that expanded possibilities beyond their initial expectations.

The group presented their findings on the important aspects of a good handover experience at the My Home Life Celebration event in Europa with a role play of RQIA arriving for inspection.